This research paper attempts to study and interpret the concept of marriage in Pakistan with respect to Jane Austen’s narrative work, Pride and Prejudice. The novel under study has a major influence on our conception of marriage prevailing in our contemporary set up. There are five various sorts of marriage depicted in this novel, each of which has its own unique characteristics and preferences. In Pakistan, it is possible to find these kinds of weddings which make this study relevant in the intended context. This study aims to connect Austen’s ideas on different types of marriage on the then society with the traditional views on marriage in the current scenario of our own contemporary context. In this way this paper presents a useful comparative analysis to highlight the idea and set conventions related to wed lock along with the potential of Jane Austen work to highlight the marriage culture of Pakistan in contrast to the original setting of the novel.
Scandic Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
ISSN 2703-965X
International Journal with High Impact Factor for fast publication of Research and Review articles
Nedre prinsdal vei 143, 1263 Oslo, Norway